Exam Success

Exam Success

Congratulations to all our exam candidates who smashed it in our recent ISTD Ballet, Modern and Tap exams.

In our Ballet exams we were awarded 10 Distinctions and 10 Merits.

In our Modern exams we were awarded 13 Distinctions and 10 Merits.

In our Tap exams we were awarded 13 Distinctions, 12 Merits, and 1 Pass. No fails!

Special mention to Ella who achieved our highest ever mark for Intermediate Ballet – 90/100.

Olivier Awards

Olivier Awards

Gielgudian Matt (Hill) Trevorrow enjoys a night with his cast of Newsies who picked up an Olivier award last night for Best Musical Choreography 2023.

BBC’s Big Night of Musicals

BBC’s Big Night of Musicals

Look out for Gielgudians Isaac Edwards and Matt (Hill) Trevorrow who are appearing tonight on the BBC’s Big Night of Musicals – Isaac in the cast of We Will Rock You and Matt in the cast of Newsies.

Move It!

Move It!

Huge congratulations to Gielgudian Issy whose choreography group piece was selected by the School of Ballet Theatre to represent them at ‘Move It’ in London this weekend. Such a well deserved honour to see Issy’s choreographic skills on display that were first honed at our very own Gapa Creates competitions.



Mrs Gielgud was thrilled to visit the School of Ballet Theatre UK last night to see Gielgudian’s Isabel, Issy and Eve in their First year degree Student show. Very proud to see that Issy and Isobel performing in pieces that they had choreographed themselves.

The Gielgud Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales, No. 10379861 Registered Charity No.1186845

Registered office: Basepoint Business Centre, Bridge Road, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, United Kingdom, RH16 1UA